Are you looking for 2022 antique shows in your area? Are you wanting to spread the word about one? I have got you covered!

Did you follow along with me on Instagram when I went to Vintage Pickin last week? (I did a recap of that amazing experience here.). These past few days, after sharing all of the beautiful, mouth watering pieces that were for sale at this antique show, I have been (happily) bombarded with questions about the event.
I Was Shocked
I couldn’t get over how many people were unaware of Vintage Pickin, despite their many years of hosting this event and the huge amount of amazing advertising that they do. People (many of whom live very close to the event) were unaware that it was happening and were asking for all of the details. People were reaching out to me on Instagram desperate to know more about it and how to get there. That is a good problem right? That means that there are indeed people/shoppers who are still really excited to get out there and shop! But they can’t if they don’t know that the event is taking place!
I also got MANY comments explaining that there were “no shows” like this where they live. Sadly, many people sent me messages that they were so discouraged that there aren’t shopping experinces like this close by. But I got to thinking, maybe – just maybe – they are just unaware that there is a fabulous show within driving distance! One that would be a joy to attend. Maybe they just had no clue that it was happening.

I Know This First Hand
I know first hand that this happens because I do a little local show and I have been participating for about 6 years. (You can see my latest show here.) Despite all of my efforts to advertise on my social media outlets and despite all of the great local advertising that the coordinator does, there are so many people who, in their words, “had no idea this was happening.” How can we get the word out to more people?
A Realization: We Can Help
In the past few days I have come to realize that there are tons of potential shoppers who are completely unaware of many of the 2022 antique shows that are happening across the US. How sad is this!
This morning, as I sipped my cup of coffee, I wondered …. how can I help chip away at this issue?
In an effort to try and shed more light onto the antique shows that are happening across our country this year, I thought that maybe we could use this blog post as a ‘jumping off point.”
Let’s All Just Take A Moment To Drop A Comment
Let me remind you that NO two antique shows are alike. What you find at Marburger is NOT what you will find at the little local show that I do here in Moreland, Ga. With that said, the thrill of the hunt at almost any show feels the exact same no matter where you are at (at least it does for me). Knowing that, I would love to invite you to drop a comment below with the details of any 2022 antique show that you know of. Let’s help each other have more opportunities to feel that “pickin’ high!”
I would love to invite you to comment on THIS BLOG POST with any 2022 Antique Show/Market/Event that you know of. This way, all of the ‘entries’ will be all in one spot (in the comments below) for you to reference any time. You will be able to scroll through them and read them at any time because that list will live here on my website! I felt this was the easiest and fastest way for me to organize the info
Please comment below and include:
- Name Of 2022 Antique Show (no stores please – maybe we will do that on another post)
- Date
- Time
- Location
- Admission Cost if any
- A website (or facebook/IG) link if available
All that I ask is that you please do your due diligence to make sure that the show:
- does sell actual antiques (not just crafts and reproductions)
- is actually happening in this current year 2022.
Also ….
- Please, list only ONE show per comment.
- Feel free to comment with as many shows as you can think of.
- In an effort to keep things a little more organized, you may want to take a moment to scroll through some of the comments before you post yours to ensure that the show you had in mind hasn’t already been mentioned.

Remember … The Shopper Should Always Do The Homework
I just want to make this one request crystal clear …. please make sure you take a moment to confirm the details of any show that in mentioned in the comments below. Because this is an unofficial list of 2022 Antique Shows, I would encourage you to confirm the details of any of these pickin’ spots before you make arrangements to attend. This list is just intended to be a spot for shoppers or vendors to share their favorite places to the best of their knowledge.

Wrap Up
I certainly do not think that my little blog post is going to solve our problem 100%, but my hope is that you may learn of new 2022 antique shows that are happening around you. I also hope that you will add to to the list and share it with your vintage loving pals!
Finally, I hope will refer back to this blog post throughout the year to see what is happening in areas that are easy for you to get to! Maybe you are traveling this summer to a new spot around our country and you want to see if there are any fun events happening! If we are lucky then YOU will find a new event to shop and DEALERS will get a few extra customers! Also, if we work together, we can hopefully keep the love of antiques alive! Cheers my friends!
Junk Stock! Waterloo, NE April 29th-May 1st
Vintage Market Days July 14-16@ Expo Idaho in Boise, Idaho
I’m in Dublin Ga and my antique shop is in the country I started hosting a spring and fall antique market last year on our property called Blackshear Ferry Vintage Market. This years dates are April 29-30 and October 21-22.
People can find more information through my Vintage Soul of Dublin FB page.
Thank you for giving us a place to share our events. I can’t wait to see what others post
Vintage Market Days of Greater Atlanta
Gwinnett County Fairgrounds
2405 Sugarloaf Parkway
Lawrence like, GA
May 13, 14, & 15
10:00 – 4:00
General admission
The Curio Coop (Vendor)
The Curio Coop will be a vendor (all things vintage or handmade) at the Vintage Market Days of Greater Atlanta
Spring at the Farm Antiques Market
Ruffin’s Roost
1600 N. Lentz Hartness Shop Rd.
Mt. Pleasant, NC 28124
Saturday, May 7, 2022
NO admission or parking fee!
Vintage 6560 November 4-5 Gadsden Al
Hollis flea market, Hollis, NH – every sun from 6 am to 2 pm from April 17th to end of Sept. Antiques, vintage stuff& great prices. SO fun!! No admission & free parking:)
Junk Bonanza
SEPT 22-24, 2022
Admission is $12/day, Early Bird is $25 and gets you in all days.
Fargo Junk Market
Red River Valley Fairgrounds
Fargo, ND
Friday, September 23rd and Saturday, September 24th, 2022
I’m not sure about admission, I do think there’s a small admission fee.
Back 40 Barn Pickin
Decatur, AL
Kinsey Vintage Market – Pittsburgh, PA
Thanks for sharing this 🙏🏻
Cameron Antique Festival May 6&7 Cameron NC
Always the First weekend in May and October
Vintage Market Days of Tulsa
Kellyville, Oklahoma
April 29th-May 1st
Admission is $10 Fri and Sat. $5.00 Sunday
Allegan Antique Market
Allegan, MI
Last Sunday of the month, May through September, 8am – 4pm
$5 admission, per person, parking free
Springfield Antique Show & Flea Market (monthly)
Home of the famous Springfield Extravaganza!! (Held May & September each year)
Location | Clark County Fairgrounds
4401 S Charleston Pike, Springfield, OH 45505 (just off I-70!)
The travel for the extravaganza alone is more than worth your time, and while you visit, you can hit up two amazing, huge antique stores (Springfield Antique Center and Heart of Ohio)!
The Brimfield Antique Flea Market
Brimfield MA
Three times a year in May, July and September
http/ for dates, hours and directions
This is a HUGE market across several fields . If you can , bring a truck! Lots of great stuff. Go to the website for all the details and tips . Get the brochure and map. See you there ! 🤗
Fredericksburg Trade Days
Third Saturday weekend of every month
Fredericksburg, Texas
$5 parking, no admission fee
Come see Tin Can Treasures in Barn 5!
Hillsville Labor Day Flea Market
Sept 1-5
Mustard Seed Market
April 29-30
Clermont County Ohio Fair Grounds
Eastside of Greater Cincinnati
General admission $10
Todd Farm Flea Market
285 Main St
Rowley, Ma
5:00 a.m. Sundays
Open April 11, 2022 usually through October
Free parking
240 Vendors
Junkstock was mentioned, but would like to add to it (it’s my FAVORITE!)
Sycamore Farms
Waterloo, NE (rural area by Omaha)
*Spring: April 29-May 1 and May 6-8
*Harvest Edition: Sept. 30-Oct. 2 and Oct.7-9
Times and ticket prices vary depending on if you’re going for the day, entire weekend or early bird
Elkhorn Antique and Flea Market
Elkhorn Wisconsin
May 15th
7:00 am – 3 pm
$5 admission
True outdoor/indoor antique market. No repurposing allowed
Held 4 weekends a year.
Thank you for this opportunity to share.
Madison Road Artisan Market
South Bend, IN
June 4, 2022
$(6-10, not sure)
Antiques, crafts, jewelry, food/drinks
Can follow them on IG
Smaller market but fun
Arcadia Antique Street Fair
4th Saturday of every month (year round)
8 am-3 pm
Downtown Historic Arcadia Florida
Free Admission Free Parking
Liberty Antiques Festival
April 29 30
Liberty/Staley NC
(Near Greensboro)
Great monthly show In Southern California:
Long Beach Antique Market
Outdoors at Veterans Stadium
4901 E. Conant
Long Beach, CA
800+ vendors
5:30am to 3:00pm.
(No entry tickets sold after 2:00pm)
Third Sunday of every month, year round.
Early entry 5:30 to 6:30am is $15.
Regular entry after 6:30am is $10.
Admission ticket is cash only.
Free Parking
Rain or Shine.
No pets.
Food to buy and restrooms – yes
Another one in California.
Flying Miz Daisy
Vintage and Pop-Up Market in California.
Dates and locations vary and are announced a couple of months in advance.
Usually held in Orange County, California at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, or in parking lot of Laguna Hills Mall.
Entrance is free.
Parking cost, if any, depends on location.
Next curated pop-up: May 28, 2022 in Solvang, CA.
Follow FlyingMzDaisy on Instagram
Vintage Market Days Of The NC Triangle – May 6-8, North Carolina State Fairgrounds; ticket prices vary depending on the day you come; 125 vendors – look for me! Palmetto Vintage Market!
Ruffin’s Roost Spring at the Farm Antique Market May 7th 8am-4pm 1600 N Lentz Harness Shop Rd. Mt. Pleasant NC
No admission fee/free parking.
Blackshear Ferry Spring Vintage Market
Fri., April 29, 2022 10am-5pm and Sat., April 30, 2022 8am-5pm
1309 Blackshear Ferry Rd W., Dublin, GA 31021-0532
Free Admission
The Junk Ranch
June 3-4, 2022
Prairie Grove, Arkansas
Admission: $10 Friday/$5 Saturday
Lucketts Spring Market – May 20, 21, 22
Berryville, VA
A Paris street market
1st Saturday May to October
7301 Santa Fe Dr. Littleton CO 80120
No admission cost
A Paris street market
3rd Saturday of the month from May- October
8401 Park Meadows Centre Dr. Lone Tree CO 80124
No admission fee
Broughton Antique Sale
May 6-7, 2022
7A – 7P
4127 Broughton Rd., Newborn GA 30056
No admission fee
Multiple barns & old houses full of vintage & antique items, plus outdoor vendors.
Anything in Virginia, besides Luckett’s?? Anyone?
Thanks for all the great listings…just would like to see ones closer to home!
Crowley’s Ridge Vintage Market in Harrisburg, Arkansas is held in a 1800’s homestead.
Looking for some in Eastern North Carolina…. Like costal….
Duluth Junk Hunt
at the DECC
350 Harbor Drive
April 28-30
Early bird and general admission
Traders Market
10675 360th St E (just off 35W)
Elko, MN
May 28, 29, 30
July 2,3,4
September 3,4,5
$7 admission
Downtown Oronoco Gold Rush Days
Oronoco, MN (10 miles north of Rochester or 75 miles south of the Twin Cities)
August 19, 20, 21
Free admission
Parking can be free or you can pay to park
The Farm Chicks Vintage and Handmade Fair
Saturday, June 4, 2022 9am – 6pm
Sunday, June 5 2022. 9am-4pm
Admission is $10 per person and is good for both days. . (Cash only for admissions tickets).
Children 12 & under are admitted for free.
Parking is free.
The fair is all indoors.
Spokane County Fair and Expo Center
404 N. Havana Street
Spokane Valley, Washington.
Michigan Antique & Collectible Festival
12451 Andersonville
Davisburg, MI. 48350
SAT. 4/29‐—-8:00 – 6:00
Sun. 4/30—–9:00 – 4:00
$10.00 admission
Free parking
Correction on dates for Michigan Antique & Collectibles Festival.
Sat. 4/30. & Sunday 5/01
Farmhill Market Days
Washington County Fairgrounds in Oregon
September 16&17
$12 & $8
What a great idea! Here are the ones I am planning on heading to in May so far:
HUNTERDON COUNTY ANTIQUES FAIR – Hunterdon County 4-H Fairgrounds (Hen House Primitives)
Rte. 179, Ringoes, NJ 8551
302-981-7250 •
Hours: Sun., 10am-4pm
SPRING ANTIQUES & BOTTLE SHOW – Historic Batsto Village, Wharton State Forest (Batsto Citizens Committee, Inc.)
Hammonton, NJ 8037
856-217-4945 •
Hours: Sun. from 9am-3pm
ANTIQUE & GARDEN SHOW – Historic Burlington Antiques & Art Emporium (Burlington Antiques)
424 High St., Burlington, NJ 8016
609-747-8333 •
Hours: Sun. 9am-5pm
Bouckville NY
Madison Bouckville Antique Week
August 15 – 21, 2022
8am – 5pm
Come shop thousands of antiques on a two mile stretch of historic Route 20 through the towns of Madison and Bouckville.
Browse antique treasures, collectable gems, vintage memorabilia and so much more at New York State’s largest antique show.
There are 14 independent show fields and admission is FREE!
We look forward to a marvelous week of great sales, great buys, and great food!
Here’s what to expect:
Over 2,000 dealers and vendors
All 14 show fields are FREE
Antiques and collectibles from past centuries
Eclectic food trucks & vendors
Plenty of parking at several show fields
Year round antique shops and co-ops open daily during the show
Show fields and vendors will open on Monday, August 15th with inventories of antiques, vintage collectibles, and more.
Bouckville, NY
Antique Show: June 3-5, 2022
8am – 5pm
Come on over to Route 20 in Madison and Bouckville for this year’s June Antique Show on Friday, June 3rd – Sunday, June 5th from 8am – 5pm.
Featuring over 150 dealers with inventories of antiques, vintage collectibles, and more! Get the same great experience of the August show without all the crowds. And the admission is free!
Wilder Woods Vintage Market
Fri., Sept 23, 2022 10am-5pm
Sat., Sept 24, 2022 8am-5pm
104 Bellwood Court, Bonaire, GA 31005
Free Admission
Accepting Vendor Applications: