Believe it or not, halloween is NOT that far away and this is the time of year when I begin to pull out our Halloween things! Despite what my two tween/teen boys may tell you, in our home, we don’t totally love the super spooky Halloween decor so I usually tend to stick with the more subtle Halloween pieces. But, we do love a good jack-o’-lantern around here and there is an art to working these faces into your home and into your decor. I truly believe that it all has to do with your choice in jack-o-lanterns! Below I am sharing my 5 favorite TYPES of jack-o’-lanterns!
Oh, and if you want to read up on the history of the Jack-O’-Lantern, then click here!
Galvanized Jack-O’-Lanterns
You can not go wrong with these classic cuties. I see a lot of people spray painting their metal pumpkins these days so i guess you can really make these YOUR style with a can of paint too. The sky is the limit!
Blowmold Jack-O’-Lanterns
I love my pumpkin blowmold. These are so much fun to pull out and light up year after year! One tip though – be sure to keep your blowmolds out of the sun – they will fade over time!
Paper Mache Jack -O’_Lanterns
I have loved old paper mache pumpkins for a while now and while I do not have a huge personal collection, I do really do admire them.
Old Can Jack-O’-Lanterns
I love how people are recycling old cans to make these cool jack-o’-lanterns. I began seeing them pop up at local fairs and shops sveral years back and they are still popular today. What a cool way to reuse an old forgotten can!
Terracotta Jack-O’-Lanterns
These really bring me back to my childhood. I love these old terracotta pumpkins – we had a few when I was growing up. These are the first types of Jack-o-lanters that I can remember growing up! I love sweet memories like that!
Wrap Up
While some can be pricy, I feel that these jack-o’-lanterns are worth the investment because you can pull them out year after year. Unlike the ones that you carve, these jack-o’-lanterns will last forever.
Below is a quick roundup of a few jack-o-lanterns finds! Just click on the image to find out more info about them all.
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