I had the best time shopping all the way down GA Highway 341. I am sharing my 5 favorite vintage finds from the Peaches To Beaches Yard Sale!

There are just some things in life that are worth ‘the long drive.’ The Peaches to Beaches yard sale is one of those things. If you have ever been (and if you like yard sales and picking) then you probably agree with me.

Peaches To Beaches is an event that happens here in Georgia twice a year (with the exception of Covid). According to their website, Peaches to Beaches describes their event as a “220+ mile yard sale that will link peach-growing counties in middle Georgia to the beaches of the Golden Isles, with stops in several communities along the way. The Peaches to the Beaches Yard Sale will feature vendors selling everything from antiques and locally crafted items to traditional yard sale fare.”

Earlier this week I decided that I would make the drive to attend the first Peaches to Beaches sale of 2022 and I sure am glad that I did. I left the house around 6:00am and was gone for about 12 hours – it was so worth it! There were tons (too many to count) of little yard sales and vendors set up along the Peaches to Beaches route and during my 12 hour adventure I found some great things and I am sharing my five favorites below! Now, I will admit, I go FAST and I like to keep moving … but that is mainly because I usually only have a few hours before I have to turn around and drive home – KIDS!!! Even though I didn’t get through the entire route, I did go pretty far and I found some really fun pieces. Below I am sharing my top 5 favorite vintage finds from Peaches to Beaches.

This Box

I found this great finger jointed box – and I immediately fell in loved with the graphic. I saw it from across a field and I found myself just going right for it. This box just drew me in! Had that ever happened to you? Now, the bottom of the box is not in perfect shape – but that was not a deal breaker for me.
This Basket

I spied this basket under a tent on the town square in a small southern town along the route. It was love at first sight and for only $15.00 I could not leave it behind. It is not very old (it is stamped Longaberger on the back) and I believe the paint job to have been pretty recent – but none of that really mattered. I love the look and the color – just as it is!
This Pitcher

This year I have really been into transfer pieces so I was very happy to find this brown transfer pitcher. I did notice the large crack on the backside of this one – but the crack isn’t all the way through and it is a solid piece. And if you know me at all then you know I do not mind a crack here and there. Plus – it has a gorgeous look in my opinion!
This Wooden Crate

I spotted this just by chance. It was buried under a pile of other crates that were a typical size and shape – this one is not typical! When I saw this I immediately thought that it looked like one of those antique dough bowls. I could totally “see it” sitting on someone’s dining room table all decorated for spring! If I had to guess, I would say that the word grapes was added on not too terribly long ago – but I didn’t mind it at all. But – I do wonder – if was used to hold grapes at one point!
This Paining

I saved my very favorite for last. I love old oil paintings and I was so happy to find this one. The frame is not perfect and the painting needs a little cleaning – but I fell in love with the colors and the layers of paint here. I know that this is a winter scene (and it is currently March) but I didn’t care. I can not wait to use it in my home once the winter months return!
Wrap Up
I found lots and lots of other things today – including this wonky old crock – look at how wonky it is!

I have only been to Peaches to Beaches a two other times prior to this trip (you can read all about one of those adventures here) and I sure am glad that I decided to go this time. I did a little calculating and it seems that I drove about 300 miles round trip – and I made about 22 stops along the way. That may seem like a lot to some people, but I enjoyed each and every moment of the day! I can tell ya, I saw so many interesting things, met so many great people, and made so many wonderful memories. If you truly like ‘the hunt’ then you know what I am talking about.

I love sharing these picking adventures with you all – thank you for taking a moment to read and follow along! I can not wait to take you on even more adventures in the future! Until then, zoom in on this photo and tell me what your favorite piece it!

*this 5 Favorite Vintage Finds blog post contains affiliate links
My favorite is
Also the transfer pitcher. Is it Ironstone? I
I meant transferware! Lol
How far down did you go? We started in Jesup and went to Hazelhurst. Not too much in the way of old things. Wondering if we should go further north. Seems like around Barnesville has more old things. Thanks for sharing your wonderful finds.
Hi! I bought a very similar grape crate during a wine tour around the Finger Lakes in New York! I’ll bet yours held grapes too! I never heard of a French cleat to hold heavy shelves on walls! I’m going to file this information for future use! I look forward to your e-mails!
I have to agree with the transferware pitcher.
Even tho I didn’t see it in the picture, I loved the wooden “crate” with grapes printed on the side. I too can see it used as a dough bowl and I loved the pink on the side. I do hope you bought it!