I am sharing 5 healthy snack ideas that I love and all of them are in my pantry this very moment! Eating healthy does NOT always mean that you have to sacrifice taste! These treats are yummy and I am excited to share them!

Recently, I began sharing more of the things that I eat over on my instagram. For many, many years, I have been really careful about what I eat. I believe in the power of quality and healthy whole-food ingredients. My approach is that food is medicine and that we can not only fuel, but heal our bodies from the inside out. Now, that doesn’t mean that I do not love and eat junk food – that would be a lie! But, I do try to make an effort to eat well at most meals! I also try and eat healthy snacks throughout the day as well.
My IG community has really shown some interest in the food that I eat and I love that! With that in mind, there are a few tried and true healthy snacks that I am really enjoying these days and I wanted to share them with you right here on the blog! These are all things that I have in my pantry right now and I love them because they are quick, east, and a little bit better for my body than other traditional snacks! I hope you enjoy these healthy snack ideas!

Perfect Bar Snacks
These Perfect Bar snacks are my absolute favorites. For a long time I was eating these bars that they carry, but now I am really enjoying these little peanut butter cups! Their snacks are awesome and I love them because they are the perfect combo of ‘on-the-go’ ease and healthy ingredients. These snacks stay in the fridge, but can stay at room temperature for a while as well!
Olyra Breakfast Biscuit
I am not a huge breakfast eater, but I really do enjoy these little healthy biscuits anytime of day – and so do my kids. What I love about Olyra is that they use a blend of ancient grains along with fruits and spices to create these quick and easy little biscuits – all without anything artificial!
Simple Mills Crackers
These crackers (and their cookies) have been a weekly shopping item for many years now! We stock our pantry with these because of their very simple ingredient list (hence the name) and they are a great ‘grab-n-go” option for the kids to take to school! I love every Simple Mill product out there: from cupcakes to pizza dough – they have it all. Click here to see all of the options that they carry!
Unreal Coconut Bars
If you have ever just wanted a candy bar without all the junk that goes into a typical candy bar – then these are for you! These coconut and chocolate snacks will hit the spot – and are always a better option than your typical candy bar for sure!
Kind Dark Chocolate Cereal
This is my latest obsession. I bought it for the first time a few weeks back (mainly because it was a BOGO deal) because I thought my kiddos would like it! It turns out that I am the one that really likes it. This makes a really yummy desert, in my opinion! And, would you believe that I enjoy it without milk! Do yourself a favor and give yourself a little splurge – on something healthy!
Here are a few more things that we have in our pantry RIGHT NOW! I couldn’t possibly just share 5!
These little immunity shots.
This amazing juice.
These little crispy wafers.
This banana bread.
These heavenly hunks.
This yummy popcorn.
These Pure fruit bars.
These yummy pretzel nuggets.
This great chewing gum.
These healthy nuts.
This canned water.
These chocolate chips.

I have had a lot of requests for this snack that I share often in my IG stories! While it isn’t really quick to make, it really is very yummy! What I use to make it is one pouch of this unsweetened Acai berry puree. I find mine at the grocery store in the frozen berry section! I let that pouch thaw on the counter (or in a cup of warm water) and then I toss it into a blender. Next I add a generous amount of organic frozen blueberries and I also add about a 1/2 cup of water or so. You could add juice if you prefer – just add a little liquid so that it will blend. Then, blend away! I like to pour mine into a bowl and add fresh local honey, some raw coconut shreds and a few chocolate chips! It really is so very good!
Wrap Up
I linked all of these things on amazon so that you would be able to know exactly which snacks I was talking about. However, I want to point out that you can find so many of these snacks at your local stores. Do not get scared with the amazon pricing – you can find these things cheaper out in your community. The places I shop include:
- Publix
- Sprouts
- Walmart
- Kroger
- TJ Maxx
- Whole Foods
- Costco
Happy snacking to each of you! I hope you enjoyed these healthy snack ideas and if there is a healthy snack that you are loving right now, let me know! Leave it in the comments! I am always (ALWAYS) looking for new snacks to try!
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