I live in Georgia and the one thing you can count on is that it is going to be HOT and SUNNY here all summer long! The intense heat can make it hard on the plants around your home! Today, on my Fridays at 5:00 blog series, I am sharing 5 plants that love the sun! I have them here at my house and I can tell you (with certainty) that they love the sun and will survive the summer heat!

Now, I am no master gardener. I just need to make that crystal clear – but I have lived in Georgia my whole life (minus 4 years of college) and I think I have learned a thing or two about the types of plants love the sun and that will survive heat and humidity. Make no mistake, I have killed my share of plants over the years, but with trial and error (and the help of my dad who loves working out in the yard), I have a better handle on things now!

A few weeks ago I shared this blog post about the lavender that we have around our home. We had to replace it – due to the fact that we didn’t trim it back properly – but we felt it was worth it because the lavender does really well in the hot Georgia summers. After sharing that post, several people asked if I would share a few of the other plants that we have around our home that do really well in the sun! Below are five of my favorites!

I shared the other day on Instagram stories (you can find me here on Instagram) that Lantana can be both a perennial and an annual. In my area, it is harder to find the perennial version of this beautiful flower, but when I do find it, I love to grab it. These perennial lantana do survive the harsh Georgia summers really well and these really do get packed full of gorgeous blooms!
Bee Balm

Bee Balm is very easy to take care of. It also spreads, so a little will eventually go a long way! I love the height of these blooms too. They are majestic and are perfect for the summer months!

My great friend Carla gave me a handful of these iris bulbs a few years ago and they live (and thrive) in our island – where they get full sun. I do cut off the dead blooms when it is time, but other than that – they are really easy to care for as well.

Peonies are a really sassy, in my opinion. Our peony plant gives us amazingly beautiful blooms – but only when she wants to. This year, we got ZERO blooms from our little lady! While I was disappointed for sure, I do still love her. She comes back year after year and her dark leaves and dainty shape are really eye catching!

We have phlox along our river rock bed. It is the perfect little perennial for rocks! In all honestly, our phlox is now mainly in the shade, because of a tree that has matured, but I know that phlox does love full sun and it does come back year after year!
Wrap Up
I hope you enjoyed these 5 plants that love sun! I know we love them – all around our yard! There are a few little tips that I do want to share before I go!
- You may need these steaks to hold up the tall blooms that come with plants such as bee balm. All you have to do is tuck the top of your flower in the center and then push that steak it into the ground! They really do help heavy blooms to stand tall!
- We do have a yard service that sprays our grass for weeds and such, so if you have a service make sure they stay clear of your plants. Luckily, we have not lost one plant yet – ever!
- Don’t forget to grab your sunscreen and gardening hat when you are outside working. As I have gotten older, I really do try to make this a priority.
- We use this plant food!
- If you enjoyed this post then you may enjoy reading all about this garden box that Mark made or you may enjoy reading all about a few of the new house plants that I got at the beginning of the year!
I thought I would quickly share a few of the other plants that we have outside that we are enjoying! Some are in the shade, but for the most part, these babies get a lot of sun too!
- Olive Tree
- Lillie
- Lemon Thyme
- Spiria
- Japanese Maple
- Spiria
- Butterfly Bush
- Hydrangea
- Dwarf Rose Bush

I found several of these sun loving plants on Amazon. Just click on the picture of any item below to see more information.
*All photos of the flowers are not my own and are product photos from amazon. Each product is linked above.
*This post contains affiliate links.
Thanks for sharing your tips and your flowers! I just ordered through your link for the phlox! Happy Weekend!
Oh Cindy – you are always the best. Please let me know how you like them. They bloom in the spring so you may not see too much color this year – but next spring you will be in for a real treat!