I have found over the years that the charm and character of a space can sometimes be found in a single piece! While I do love smalls (think ironstone and old books), featuring a single larger weathered piece in a space can really serve as the anchor for the room! Below, I am going to share with you 5 weathered pieces that I have fallen in love with. These beauties really do anchor the space that they live in!
Weathered Table

Hit up any antique store or vintage market and you will probably come across some amazing old tables. They are easy to find and, depending on size and condition, they aren’t too terribly expensive. Dealers love having them in their booth spaces to add interest. Similarly, I love to have them around my home for the same reason! Whether it’s a large farm table for the kitchen or a smaller side table for the bedroom, old tables can be both functional and beautiful.

Weathered Bookcase

For years I have tried to find interesting ways to store books. With three kids who love to read, it has always been a problem for us! A beautiful weathered bookcase can serve as both a focal point for your space and as an easy way for your family to access their favorite books! They come in all shapes and sizes and if you look hard enough, you can find one to fit just about any space in your home.

Weathered Trunk

So many families seem to pass down chests and trunks through the years. You might think that these big, clunky pieces are only good for storage. However, there is true beauty in them and I love using old trunks in my home – especially the ones that have been passed down. Here, I decided to stage an old trunk in front of the fireplace! Yes, you read that correctly! We don’t ever use this fireplace so it works for our home! Or, try adding one to the end of your bed! I have one there too, and we use it as a bench! No need to worry if you don’t have a family trunk, I see them often at stores, sales and markets! I love the charm and character that they add to a space!

Weathered Sign

An old weathered sign can add interested to any wall in any room. I particularly love old signs that once lived in shops and stores long ago! It is so much fun to hunt down old ones and I adore the signs that have interesting subject matter and cool fonts! Old signs made of metal, wood, and paper are all great, I love them all – as long as they have a good look then I do NOT discriminate! Be aware, however, there are really good reproductions out there. Make sure you look for evidence of wear and tear if you want an authentic one!

Weathered Cupboard

Old time worn cupboards are my favorite and I would put one in every room if I could. These are typically large stately pieces that offer both interest and storage. Some cupboards have shelving up top that is open and visible while other cupboards have doors from top to bottom. I have both types in my home and I love to style them with my finds. Many times these old cupboards will have their original old paint color which can be really cool. For example, I have a large green step back cupboard that I adore (we call it the Jolly Green Giant) and it gets so many compliments!

It is important to note that these old pieces can be a bit expensive but no more than what you would pay for a new piece in a similar size. But … the stories that come with the weathered pieces in your home and the character that they offer will always be one of a kind. I truly do love each of these 5 weathered pieces!

Beautiful pieces and great tips! I am currently on the hunt for an old store/pharmacy display cabinet to use in our dining room for a china cabinet.
You’re almost converting me to a weathered furniture loving gal with these options! Does my looking weathered when I’m in a room count?
Every section is very informative and I luv all your photos! Emily you started out with a bang!
Hats off to you girl!
Well done!👏
Congratulations on your new blog, Emily! If it’s half as much fun as your instagram stories, we’re in for a lot of fun!!
Years ago when I started collecting, I always would refinish furniture to look perfect. I wish now I would have left some things the way they were. Your green cabinet has be every time, gorgeous.