Welcome to the My Weathered Home holiday gift guide series. Over the next several weeks, I plan to share a few gift guides that I feel may help in your quest to find just the right gift for the people that you love. I realize that it can be hard to come up with new ideas every year for the very special people in your life. With this in mind, my goal is to share what our family loves and hopefully give you a few new ideas.
For my initial gift guide, I thought it would be fun to share items that promote health and wellness . With all of the stressful things that are happening around us, I felt this list would offer your loved ones – and even yourself – a small sense of peace. I carefully curated this list of some of my favorite things that I feel promote a healthy mind, body, and soul.
Be on the look out for additional gift guides coming soon. I am excited to be sharing things that our family loves and my hope is that your friends and family will love them as well. Cheers to ‘less stress” this holiday season.