If you have been hunting for a cool Christmas candle display idea then I have you covered. I am loving my Christmas Candle Creamers! They are perfect the holidays and I bet you will love them too!

I am so excited to be sharing with you this Christmas candle display idea for the holidays. This is a simple way to display your Christmas candles (you really could use any kind of candle) that requires little effort while packing a big punch.
There are so very many ways to display candles for the holidays, but this might be my very favorite way yet! On a whim, I decided to pair my vintage creamer collection and my sweet little collection of vintage Gurley Candle Christmas Trees. I think it is safe to say that I immediately fell in love with this little combo!

If you are new here then you must know that I am all about using what I have on hand “in an interesting way.” When I spotted my little collection of vintage green and white creamers sitting in the back of the cupboard today, I knew exactly what to do with them. Just as I thought they would be – these holiday colored creamers turned out to be the perfect size for these Christmas tree candles.

My original thought was to use basic white and green candle sticks – but, like a ton of bricks, the idea struck me to use some of my vintage Gurley Candles and I am loving this whimsical look!

As soon as the idea to use the trees popped into my head, I ran upstairs (like a crazy lady) and dug through my vintage Gurley candle collection. I quickly pulled out all of the Christmas Tree candles that I could find. With a total of 10 candles in hand I then got to work. Here is how the process went!
Add In … Your Larger Pieces First For Your Christmas Candle Display

I somehow always have the desire to build ‘up’ so I knew that I wanted to add sine height. In order to accomplish this, I just pulled out a few little wooden boxes from my stash. I was careful to choose boxes that were neutral so that they would ‘disappear’ when I added in the focal pieces – which are the candles.
Add In … The Second Layer Of Your Christmas Candle Display

Next, I added in the second layer – the creamers. I carefully placed all of the creamers, making sure that the heights were staggered. The variation in size and height help to make the whole space more interesting.
Add In … The Focal Point For You Christmas Candle Display

As you know, these cute little vintage candles are the star of this show – and I was so excited to place them into the little area “just right.” I knew going into this that I had more creamers than I did candles, so I carefully placed them into a creamer in a way that was pleasing to my eye. Making sure to stagger the heights and also making sure to spread out the pops of green evenly.

I did add in two large gold trees at the end. I wasn’t sure if they would work initially, but I loved the way they complemented the bells hanging above. A quick side note – those bells are very special to me. These belonged to my dad as a boy. He collected them as a child and somehow managed to hang onto them long enough to pass them down to me. I keep them out year round, usually I hang them from a door knob) but during the holidays I always hang them up and pair them with some sort of greenery!

You Can Recreate This Look Too

You may not have a ton of creamers laying around the house like I do. You may not have a ton of tree candles laying around the house either. However, I bet you could recreate this look with a little hunting and creativity. Maybe you have some silver smaller vessels such as smaller crocks or glass jars. Maybe you have a set of taper candles collecting dust. With a little creativity and a little effort I bet you could come up with your very own Christmas candle display idea!

If you like Christmas Trees as much as I do you may want to check out how I created my own little sisal trees here. These little sisal trees would also look so great in these little creamers! Oh man, I can see it now! I may have to try that next! Ha!! Also, if you want to recreate this exact look, I have added in some shopping links for both the trees and the creamers below! Happy hunting my friends and I hope this season continues to inspire you to think outside of the box as you decorate your favorite spaces for the holidays!
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Love the idea of the tree candles in the creamer! Great idea !
Oh Yay! I am so so glad you liked it! Cheers and Merry Christams.