It’s that time of year again, when little sniffles begin to appear and stubborn coughs begin to set in. With the weather change upon us, the time has come for my family to begin implementing some preventative measures to help keep our bodies healthy and our immune systems strong. One simple and easy way to do just that is to take elderberry syrup.

A few years ago I began making my own elderberry syrup. This is not my original creation but I can not remember exactly where I picked up the original recipe. I have tweaked it over the years and I feel like I have mastered the perfect concoction that my family loves and that really works!
I use these elderberries.
This recipe is very easy to make and doesn’t take a whole lot of time. The hardest part is NOT eating spoonfuls the honey as I go! The ingredient list is short and there are only a few steps!

4oz dried elderberries
2 cinnamon sticks
7 cloves
1 TBS grated ginger
2 cups water
1 c wild local honey

*It is important to note that you should use local honey to make this recipe. Local raw honey is made from bees in your area. According to tomsofmain.com, “the pollen they collect and bring back to the hive is all sourced from local plants. Since many seasonal allergies are caused by these same plants, eating honey that contains that pollen can possibly combat those allergies.” To read more about the benefits of local honey click here! I picked up our honey at our local health food store. You can also find local honey in some grocery stores and even in some gift shops!

How to Make It
- Add water and the first 4 ingredients into a large pot and bring to a boil. Cover, turn down the heat, and let simmer until the liquid is reduced by half – about 20 minutes.
- Using a strainer, pour the liquid into a bowl and mash the strained berries with a spoon to extract all of the extra juice out.
- Add 1 cup of local honey and stir.
- Store in a closed jar for up to a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.
Bring to a boil – simmer for about 20 minutes Strain the berries and mash out any extra juice Add honey and stir then pour into jars
How Much To Take
I usually give my family one Tablespoon of elderberry syrup a day and we usually after take it after dinner. If someone in our home becomes ill, I will give them a Tablespoon of elderberry syrup once every hour or so. Many people ask me how elderberry syrup tastes and I am happy to report that it is quite yummy!
We Love It
Elderberry is considered to be very good for your health. Elderberry helps to loosen mucus, making it easier to cough. This will help to prevent upper-respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. While I am not a physician nor do I claim to have any medical proof to support this, I do feel as though our homemade elderberry syrup has helped to protect us over the years.
My hope is that you will consider making this elderberry syrup and that it will help to fight off any illness that may come your way. As always, I wish nothing but peace and happiness to each of you.

I will make this tomorrow for sure!