My Favorite Thing That I Sold Last Week
I know that I say that I never have any regrets once I sell a piece … however, on occasion, I do sometimes find myself missing a piece every once in a while. This is the case right now! As you all know, I participated in an outdoor vintage market last week (you can read all about that here) and there was one thing that found a new home … and I will truly miss it! Any guesses??? It was the hand painted church sign. It actually was a double sign and had Grant Gas on the other side in big, bold orange and black letters. It is funny because I don’t even have a place for it – I just really, really liked it! What makes me happy though – I know that I found a great home for it! And, like I always say, there is always more junk (and cool double sided signs) in the world.

My Newest Shoes
I just bought these shoes online and I am so excited to get them in the mail. I think they are going to be the perfect combination of style and comfort. They had a few different color options, but I liked the plain black the best! You have to click on the picture to see the ‘all black’ – do YOU like them!
A Little Story
Earlier this week I mentioned that Country Living shared a photo of mine in their April 2021 issue. But – did you know that there is a cool story behind the photo! Let me share it with you!!!
As you know, my dad and I love to go picking together and we do it often! On our very first pick of 2020 (yes, over a year ago), my dad and I came across a set of 6 grease buckets. It was a collection that someone had carefully gathered over time and they were all so beautiful. Neither my dad or I needed all 6, but we wanted to keep them together somehow. On the spot, I came up with the bright idea of each buying 3. I have no intention of selling them so they would all be able to stay together – kind of, sort of – between us! My dad really liked that idea and so right there, on the spot, we each took turns choosing the ones we wanted. They were all so cute so I was happy with anything. Oh – what a memory!
Now, even though my dad owns 3 of them, he let me bring them all home last spring/summer so that I could use them as cool plant containers. (You can read all about my plant container ideas here.) I love that they are a unique way to display my ferns but I really love the story and the memory behind finding them (and splitting them) with my dad.

It’s Planting Season
You may recall our DIY raised bed planter that I wrote about a while back. FINALLY, we got some plants into the bed. A quick note – I didn’t add the raspberry plant since it grows too bushy (that is in it’s own pot), but I did add the strawberry plant. The strawberry plant will get big – fingers crossed!! – so I left half of the planter open for that. The remaining plants we picked up locally and I have high hopes on getting a successful yield.
Since we have a raised bed, I didn’t want to get anything that grows too tall. Also, I couldn’t have anything with long vines since the space is limited. We ended up with a hot pepper plant, kale, broccoli and rosemary. It’s a little early for basil but I hope to add a small plant in the coming weeks. I know this is an odd assortment of plants, but we are beginners and wanted to grow things that we knew would be eaten. I’ll keep you posted on the progress!!

The Latest Change on our Home
Many of you have seen bits and pieces of my home on Instagram or on YouTube. Most of the interior is white or light colors and that doesn’t work with the ceiling fans that came with the home. When we built the house, we decided not to upgrade and used the fans that the builder installed. The plan was to adjust them over the years, I just didn’t know it would take 10 years! The first ones to be changed are the living room and our bedroom. You can click here to see the fans we are using. The hope is that the white fans blend well with the white ceilings. Check out IG for our progress.
Today on my IG feed, I am teaming up with my good friend Rob to do a giveaway! Today is his birthday and we are celebrating it by gifting one lucky winner a huge vintage Christmas collection. Click here to enter if you haven’t already!
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