Worth It So Far
About 8 days ago, my husband and I decided that we needed to get movin’! We have always been an active couple (for example, we got engaged on a three day hike up the Appalachian Trail) but after being cooped up in the house due to the pandemic and after a long winter, we have gotten a little lazy! So, on a whim, we decided to MAKE a commitment. We did a little research and decided that doing an online exercise class would be the best choice for us. We chose to go with Beachbody On Demand! We love this program because it allows us the ability to exercise any time we want and there is a huge variety of classes to choose from. It really has been awesome. I highly recommend it so far and I plan to keep you guys posted with our progress!
How Cute Is This
I was watching the evening news the other night (my husband and I record the news and then we watch it once the kids have all gone to bed) and the cutest couple was featured. Joel and Harmony Kaplan have taken to social media to spread the word about protecting ourselves from the virus. You have to take a listen to them! No matter where you stand on the issue, you can not deny the fact that the couple and their music is so stinkin’ cute!
As I Get Older
One thing is for sure, as I have gotten older (I will be 45 this year) I find that I tend to choose comfort over fashion – almost every time. With that in mind, you can imagine my surprise when I found an online article this week entitled: According To Nurses on Amazon, These are the 10 Most Comfortable Shoe You Can Buy. You better believe I read that article right away! You can shop their suggestions below! The great thing is that these are all very affordable – with only one ‘slurge’ option!
Kitchen Dreams
This week we started the process of giving our kitchen a ‘makeover.’ Our plan so far includes: moving a few cabinets, dropping the bar down a bit, a new sink and range, painting the cabinets, and new tile, We have a contractor coming in a week (I am already learning that these things take some time) but I am excited to be begin the project. My friend Missy Hume is helping us map it all out – stay tuned because she is going to be sharing her vision for my space on instagram stories soon. I can not wait! If you have any tips on surviving a kitchen reno – I am all ears!!!
Pasture Sale Prep
Two weeks from today – that is when my next big outdoor sale begins and I am busy behind the scenes preparing for it. I love the ‘build up’ that comes with preparing for an event and I want to share a bit of the process with you here today. I have a booth space that is 40 by 20 feet – so it does take a little planning on my part!
When prepping for a sale, the very first thing that I do is map out all of the large pieces that I plan to bring. I like to physically draw a ‘plan’ or ‘map’ of where all the furniture/large pieces will go in my booth space. That way, as we unload the trailer, I know right where everything is going.
After all of the large pieces are scrubbed, mended, painted, and ready – then I turn my attention towards the small items that are coming with me to the event. I like to get everything together and sort them into ‘categories.’ (I basically drive my family crazy and have big huge piles all over the dining room.) After I have the piles sorted, I pack them up that way!
After I wrap my brain around all of the small things that I am bringing, I then decided where these ‘categories’ are going to go at the event. I think through where I plan to ‘put them.’ I decide what shelf they will live on for the event, I like to have an idea of where all the small items are going to be placed before I get there. That way, I can just place the box of smalls right next to where I plan to unload them.
While I love to have a plan, it usually always changes once I get there. I have learned that I have to go with the flow – but I do feel better knowing that I at least have a plan in place!
Two weeks to go you guys. I still have a long way to go – but I am excited for the ride!

Yesterday I shared this photo on my Instagram feed. As soon as I shared the photo, I got hit with requests to buy the chippy old spool chest. Many of those requests were from out of state. I am not currently an online seller, but I did find a few spool chests that were similar to the one I shared and these are all up for grabs! And …. the best thing … I found one with almost the same color paint!
Her name is Harmony! Perfect!!!