I Forgot This
A few weeks ago, I shared 5 toxin-free products that I put on my skin each and every day. It struck me earlier (as I was reordering it from Amazon) that I didn’t include THIS in my list. And, I literally use it every single day, twice a day! Remember, I use clean products (I share all about why here) and this face wash is my “Go-To.”
Turn The Radio Up
I recently scrolled across the coolest FaceBook post. Have you ever heard of Radio Garden? It is so vey cool. If you CLICK HERE it will take you to a Google Earth Map that is packed with little green dots. Each green dot is a radio station and if you click on any dot you will immediately hear that station – with perfect reception. My mom is French Canadian so I found a station from her home town. I am so so very excited to share it with her! I had no idea this existed until a few days ago, but now I know that it is actually super easy to listen to the radio (from all across the globe) with just the click of a button ! And now, you know too!

Is It Too Soon
On a recent trip out with my daughter, I found the cutest bunny. I know, for some of us it may be a little too early to be thinking about bunnies – but I just had to get this one. I was afraid it wouldn’t be there at the store if I waited – you can understand that, right! This bunny is HUGE and AFFORDABLE and I just had to share it with you. If you love the Easter bunny then you will love this!
Pasture Sale Info
I am super busy preparing for our next outdoor market that I am doing in March and I wanted to fill you in on all of the details for it.
First of all, let me start by explaining that the event is actually called the Gypsy Junkers Country Fair, but I just call it The Pasture Sale. You see, up until recently, the event was called the Gypsy Junkers Pasture Sale and last year the sale moved locations and changed names. It is now called the Gypsy Junkers Country Fair – but, for some reason, I can’t seem to call it by the new name. I still call it “the pasture sale’ out of habit.
Recently, the owners of the event created a website so you can easily keep up with the event and you can also follow the event on FaceBook. Here are the quick details for you!
Date: March 19 & 20
Time: 8:00am to 5:00pm
Location: 62 Bethlehem Church Rd, Moreland, GA 30259
Rain or Shine
I have done this event many times and it is really a fun show for me. You can check out the details of the last show in October here. (I included a lot of pictures so you could get a good sense of what my space will look like.)

Family Game Night
This week the kids have been home from school for winter break. Now, keeping this week fun and exciting has been a bit of a challenge with Dad still working from home. Not to mention the fact that it has been terribly cold out and we are all still in the middle of a global pandemic. To pass the time we have played a lot of family games and we have recently discovered a new family favorite. Our family has played Uno for years and years. It was probably one of the first card games that each of my kiddos played … but it has been a while since we have played it all together. We were recently gifted a new version of Uno and now that we are addicted to it. Uno Flip has us hooked and we can not seem to stop playing it. Uno Flip is a lot like the classic Uno game that we all know and love – with a twist. I highly suggested it! 5 out of 5 family Baker members agree – you will enjoy it!

We have been on winter break this week which means no school for the kids. That also means that Rhenna and I have been to Target – quite a few times. I am sharing our 15 favorite finds from Target this week! The fun part is, she and I picked these together … and let me tell ya, she has good taste!
[…] busy preparing for an upcoming outdoor sale (you can check out all of the details for that event here). In preparation for this, I have REALLY been working hard to find cool vintage items for all of […]