Do you love using ‘vintage garden’ for spring? I am sharing just 5 of my favorite vintage garden finds as we head into warmer weather!

It won’t be too long before the warmer weather will be here to stay, especially where I live … out in Georgia. So, as I begin to think about transitioning my booth and my home into Spring, I wanted to share a few of the things that I always like to bring out to celebrate the warmer months. Among all of the collections that I like pull out during spring, Vintage Garden is most definitely one of my favorites. Luckily, I have been able to find and use some really fun vintage ‘spring’ pieces and I thought I would share a few of them with you below. None of these are earth shattering, especially if you already know, love and use vintage pieces daily – but I thought that I would just share a few ideas with you again here … in honor of the warmer months ahead! I mean, it is never really too early to pull out those old watering cans, is it?!
Seed Packets

Vintage seed packets are an easy way to add in a beautiful vintage “work of art” into your vignettes during the warmer months. From flowers and fruits to vegetables and plants, there are endless vintage seed pack styles and options. When trying to date them, I usually look at the manufactures name and I also check the price stamp. I have packets marked from 10 cents to 59 cents. Today, most seed packets will only cost you a few dollars – so they can be an inexpensive way to add in a few touches. You can find these at most any antique store or flea market, especially during spring and summer months.
Flower Frogs

While there are a variety of styles of flower frogs, most of the frogs that I am drawn too are metal with spikes. Flower frogs are used to hold stems upright and they were really popular in the early and mid 1900s. I usually pay between $2.00 and $10.00 but I have seen them upwards of $50.00. I prefer vintage ones but you can buy them new here as well.
Hose Nozzles

Some people may think that an old hose nozzle would be an odd thing to collect, but these quirky little things are just charming to me. I love the brass ones that have tarnished just a bit and I like to add them onto my shelves (in a line, tapering in size) – almost like an art installation. In addition to being a conversation started, they also add texture and character. I like to find these while I am out picking – usually inside old tool boxes or sitting in an old garage!

This seems like a no brainer, but I love using galvanized in and around my home, especially during the warmer months. There are buckets that can be used as planters. There are watering cans that can be used as decor on the front porch. There are chicken feeders that can be used in a centerpiece. There are endless ‘galvanized” options out there. I love being creative with of the possibilities. I have a whole Pinterest Board dedicated to Vintage Galvanized Items – feel free to check it out and follow me here!
Gardening Tools

Old gardening tools are such a hot collectable right now. I feel that people are drawn to them because it reminds them of their childhood. There is something ‘special’ about these beautiful and lovable little worn garden items. From a vintage spade to a vintage trowel, these old gardening tools are sure to brighten up your garden and put a little smile on your face!
Shop Some Of My Favorites
Included below are some of my favorite vintage items from around the web. Just click the photo to check out each of the items!
Wrap Up
If you don’t already, I promise you will love vintage garden items! There are so many options out there! I could go on and on listing things, like:
- these vintage garden markers
- this vintage garden book
- these weathered terra cotta pots
Just scoop up what you are drawn to and let your imagination run wild! Don’t forget to shop your favorite local antique shops and flea markets for vintage garden items too. I promise, you will love the pieces that you choose to bring home with you! Thanks so much for taking a moment to check out my favorite “vintage garden for spring” pieces!
*If you enjoyed this, then you may also enjoy this post on vintage planters and this spring back porch tour!

*this post contains affiliate links.
Everything is just lovely as usual. But, I have to comment on your adorable Tetly Tea tin. I collect Tetly and don’t have the red one, if you are interested in ever selling or trading please let me know!!💗💗💗
Hey there my friend. Thank you so so much! I sure will!