If you are looking for a fun way to decorate this summer then I encourage you to check out all of my vintage patriotic decor ideas below! You may be familiar with a few of these ideas and I bet a few of them may surprise you as well! As always, my main objective is to share my thought process with you all and to encourage you to continue seeing beauty in things that others may not notice!

Those of you who LOVE to decorate seasonally may agree with me that the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day is one of the best to decorate for! This is the time when we pull out ALL of the Red, White, and Blue. And you guys, there is so much to play around with! You just might be surprised to see some of the things that I love to use around the house this time of year. While I always enjoy using the traditional patriotic pieces that you would expect to find, I also love to use unique pieces that you may not initially think to use. I am so excited to be sharing a few vintage patriotic decor ideas with you all here below!

This is probably one if the easiest items to find – because there are endless options. From vintage coffee cans and peanut cans to old lard buckets and tobacco containers, these old tins can be used in so many ways! And the best part is that they are really easy to find at most antique malls and online.

Of all the tin cans that I own, I probably love my old Pretzels and Chips cans the best. Here, I displayed them on my back porch and I popped a fern into both of then! I really enjoy the fact that these cans are functional (hold the fern) and also add some vintage charm to this space. What’s not to love!
Old Bottles

Old bottles are one of my favorite things to hunt for – especially for this season. I Iove the graphics that many old bottles have and it is fun to hunt for ones that will work with my patriotic displays! I like to pick ones that have perfect patriotic colors as well as those that have eagle, star, and flag graphics. I feel these are always a fun (and unexpected) way to add a little vintage ‘flare!’

In addition to old soda bottles, I also enjoy old blue glass bottles of all sizes. These are very easy to find and usually don’t cost much! Here I have a variety of old bottles. Some aren’t that old (vintage Noxema bottle) and some have quite a bit of age. When mixed together, they really help to make a cool patriotic statement.

Ohhhh – I love to scour thrifts and other stores for cool old books and I love to incorporate them into my home all year long! During the summer months, I love display books with red, white, and blue covers! I especially love the ones that have a fair amount of age and wear – those are the most interesting to me!
Kitchen Items

It is always fun to look through things that you already own and use them in a new way! With that in mind, digging through your kitchen can be a great (and fun) way to find ‘new’ things in and around your home during these summer months! For example, I simply added a old cookie cutter (with the red handle) on top of my ironstone bowls. They help to add a cool pop of red to the cupboard. Other things that I like to use from the kitchen are old spice tins (such as these Kroger ones) and old kitchen utensils (like spoons and sifters) and pyrex. As long as there is a little red or blue – then I am good to go!
Garage “Things”

Have you ever walked out into an old garage or shop and realized that there are a ton of ‘decorating options?’ Keep an eye out the next time you visit estate sale land! I REALLY enjoy using these types of items in a cool new way while building a vignette. For example, in this picture I used an old red tool box and mixed in a vintage lunch box. I love the differing shapes and heights. The red, white and blue box of nails was also a great find and works well in this set up. It is a fun (and unexpected) way to incorporate a festive pop of color!
Bowls, Crocks, And More

As you may know, I have a lot of bowls, jugs, crocks, stoneware pieces, etc… and this time of year I like to pull out and display anything that is blue or that has a blue stripe or a blue marking. These are perfect pieces to use on any shelf, especially if you only want a slight touch of ‘vintage patriotic decor.” These old utilitarian pieces compliment the patriotic season well without being overbearing! The perfect subtle touch!


From vintage patriotic postcards to old military ephemera, I love to tuck in little pieces of old papers when I can. For example, I have a handful of old paper signs that have great patriotic coloring and I really am drawn to their pops of the red and blue. I tuck them in where ever i feel it makes sense! Also, I recently bought these old ham radio cards that have a gorgeous graphic on them – perfect for this time of year! One of the items I love to use any time of year are vintage flashcards! I just love their graphics!

From old star cookie cutters to old graphics with stars, stars are always a quick and easy touch to add a patriotic touch to your home. The great thing about using stars is that you can use them again during the Christmas Season. I love duel decor!

Probably the coolest eagles that I have found are the old flag toppers. I love to simply set these out, in a grouping or on it’s own. I also recently found a really fun carved eagle. I love to have a little unexpected piece each season and this is certainly one of them.
Other Pieces I Love:
- Weathered American Flags
- Old Game/Game Boxes such as Sorry
- Antique Postcards
- Wooden crates such as Coke and Pepsi
- Jars full of buttons
- Lids to old jars
- Vintage patriotic figurines
- Wooden boxes and crates with appropriate colors and graphics
- The Number 4
- Uncle Sam Blow Mold

Wrap Up
I know that I love to decorate thematically, but it is in my humble opinion that just about anything, as long as the colors and/or the subject matter correspond with the time of year, can usually work in your home as decor. I guess my only caveat to that is that the ‘piece’ shouldn’t feel forced and should fit your style and character. For example, an old lard can may look out of place in a very glitzy, modern home but would probably fit right into a home that has more of an eclectic/vintage feel. But, don’t be afraid to try new things and to think outside of the box! Your gut will tell you if it is a hit or a miss! And when it comes to vintage patriotic decor, the sky is the limit!
My hope is that the items that you choose to incorporate and use reflect exactly what you are loving at the time! And – I hope this blog post helps you all to think outside of the box a little bit and come up with vintage patriotic decor ideas for your very own home – that you love!

Feeling Inspired?
If you are feeling inspired by all of these vintage patriotic decor ideas and if you want to incorporate a few of these pieces into your own home then I suggest you shop your local antique malls for the best selections! And – go now! If you don’t have access to antique malls in your area or if you enjoy shopping online, I have included a few shopping options from vendors from around the web! Simply click on each picture for more information on each piece below! Happy Hunting!
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[…] Oh, and if you enjoyed this post then you may enjoy seeing a few more of the vintage patriotic items that I love using this time of year! Click here to see more! […]