Daddy’s little girl. That is what I am – even at age 45. I have been so lucky to have a very close and special bond with my dad and it has been so wonderful to see it evolve over time and into an adult relationship. Throughout the years, (it never fails) when we are together we end up talking about pretty big issues and he is always quick to offer up his advice and words of wisdom. He is never pushy but has somehow always managed to share his thoughts in a way that were encouraging and helpful. (He was an English professor after all, so maybe he just has a way with words!) That got me thinking –

A few days ago over on Instagram (click here to follow along with me over on IG if you’d like) asked a question. I asked, ‘what is the best advice your dad ever gave you?’ Here are a few of the responses from my friends over there. I really enjoyed reading all of the wisdom and advice that so many dads shared with their children … and I thought that you all might like to read these words of advice too.
Some bits of advice below are “practical” some are “hands-on” some are “religious” others are “funny” …. but all are from the heart! I hope you enjoy reading these as much as I did.
“Everything in moderation.”
“Go VOTE!”
“When I was married he shared, NOT to mow the grass first because the hubby would expect it after that.”
“You are as good as the rest, but no better than the rest.”
“To be a good person.”
“Give your problems to God.”
“The squeaky wheel gets the grease.”
“Keep moving…”
“Buy the worst house in the best area.”
“Having a good work ethic is key.”
“Everything looks better after a good nights sleep.”
“Take risks!”
“Go with your gut.”
“Always drive a Ford.”
When I said that I don’t know how to do something, he would say, “you aren’t gonna learn any younger.”
“Always do the right thing and make it a habit.”
‘You can always make more money but you can’t make more time.”
“It’s just as easy to keep the TOP half of the gas tank full as it is the bottom.”
“Put God first.”
“This too shall pass.”
“Be sure your children see and feel how very much you love them.”
“A cripple needs a crutch.”
“Treat everyone with respect no matter what.”
“Stand up for yourself. Someone else might not.”
“Be yourself.”
Showed me how to get things done by myself – using power tools and such.
“Kill ’em with kindness.”
“Always look people in the eye.”
“Find something you love to do and make a living from it.”
“Only worry about things you can do something about.”
“Love one another.”
“Don’t give up when you know you are right.”
“Never say ‘Can’t’!!!”
“Be yourself always.”
“My last name is your name and whatever you do in life reflects back on me.”
“Hard work and commitment pays off.”
Before he walked me down the aisle he said, “it’s not too late to turn around and have a party.”
“Do not quite something once you have started.”
“Speed kills” – as in driving a car
“Do it right the first time.”
“Chase after Jesus.”
“Work hard.”
“Think for yourself and be a leader, not a follower.”
“Invest early in life. Small amounts monthly make a difference.”
“Always buy good shoes and a good mattress because if you are not in one you are in the other.”
“Treat everyone like you want to be treated.”
“You are who you associate with so be wise in your choices.”
“Family takes care of family.”
“Nothing good happens after midnight.”
“Keeping the oil changed is the life of the car.”
“Measure twice and cut once.”
“If it is meant to be then it will be.”
“Always get up and try again.”
“Pay yourself first 10% of your net take home pay and straight into long term savings.”
“If you get bucked off the horse, you get right back on.”
“Never discuss religion or politics with company. Invest in property, a corner lot if possible.”
“Put God’s will before your life first.”
“Always be honest because lies come back to haunt you.”
“Buy classic clothing and furniture etc… because you will always be in style.”
“No one in this world owes you anything. You have to work for everything you get.”
“Family is the most important thing after Jesus.”
“Never go to bed angry with my husband.”
“Save your money.”
“Your kids are little once, enjoy the moment.”
And now, I thought I would share just one piece of advice (there have been so many) that my dad shared with me. We were in the car one afternoon in south Georgia driving to picking and he said to me,
“… it is 100 percent alright to walk away from something …. to pursue your next dream. Even if you worked hard at it, if it doesn’t feel right then move on.”
He said those words to me when I was deliberating weather or not to renew my certification as a music therapist. I had three little kids and life was so busy and I just knew in my gut that I was going to want to try something new when I was done raising my little kids. With those words, I was able to grant myself permission to walk away from something that I worked so hard to get. Being a music therapist was sort of my ‘identity’ and something I wanted to be since 10th grade – but I had a nagging feeling that I wanted to try something new after raising my babies. He validated my concerns and also let me know that my decision to move on was okay and that all the hard work that I had poured into that degree wasn’t lost. He ensured me that I would be able to apply that hard work to the next ‘thing’ that I wanted to accomplish. That was a gift to me – and here I am today – talking about antiques and vintage with all of you.
When I was a young girl, I thought that there was no other man alive that I would admire more than my own father. My dad was my very best friend growing up and we are still very close today. But, somehow I won the jackpot twice because my husband turned out to be every bit as amazing as my dad. And it is so funny because I see the same sort of relationship between my daughter and my husband as I had with my dad – that’s pretty cool! It is not a secret that I have a few amazing men in my life and I continue to learn from them day after day.
I hope you enjoyed these little bits of advice and if ever you need a little encouragement or a little reminder during your day, then please feel free to revisit this list. I know I will. Happy Father’s Day to all the amazing father’s out there!
Wonderful post! One I will most definitely be revisiting when I need a few words of wisdom!
Thank you!
Love this, Emily! Such a heartwarming post.
This was so great, Emily! I enjoyed reading all the words of advice shared, including the one from Pops. He’s a wise man! I thought of one additional piece of advice my daddy taught me … always take good care of your things. That way you won’t have to replace them as often, which will save you money. ❤
My Fad has passed so this was a nice way of remembering him. I was the oldest and also Daddy’s girl.