Do you like to decorate for Easter? Well, I sure do! Come join me for a little mini vintage Easter home tour!

Did you know that I love decorating for Easter? I mean, I really like it. I have actually been decorating for Easter (and all the holidays really) for as long as I have had a home …. but it wasn’t until I had kids of my own that I really started going strong! I love the Easter season and I love to make it special for my kiddos! It is so much fun for me to make my home feel warm and inviting while also highlighting the different seasons and holidays throughout the year.

Now, if you visit with me daily over on Instagram then you know how much I love antique and vintage decor. So, don’t be surprised if most of what I incorporate into my home is older. I simply love the charm of older pieces but I do also enjoy layering in new pieces as well. With that in mind, I thought it would be fun to take you all along on a mini vintage Easter home tour and share a few Easter spots throughout our home.

Egg Cups:
My motto this season was to simply tuck in things that I love here and there! I love that adding these simple touches are easy to pull off! For example, tucking in a few egg cups here in this cupboard that sits in our kitchen was the perfect way to add some Easter charm – quickly!

These Easter Shelves:
Tucked away in our upstairs living room, these Easter shelves have a few little vintage Gurley candle bunnies tucked here and there. I love the neural vibe that this space has.

*Color On Top:
On top of these neural shelves, I did add a little pop of color. Here I added in a little ‘gang’ of colorful vintage bunnies, many of them Gurleys. I used a little vintage wooden box to help keep them ‘organized’ and I was happy with the way that these colorful bunnies echoed the bunnies inside the cabinet.

*Bunny On The Side:
I had to take a moment to show off this sweet cement bunny that I got this year. Most people would put their old cement bunnies outside, but not me: I tucked him right there upstairs inside our home!

This White Scalloped Shelf:
This was one of the first spots that I decorated this year for Easter and I was inspired by this little vintage glass bunny candy container. I am so happy with the way it turned out.

These Vintage Paper Mache Bunnies:
If you haven’t seen these vintage paper mache bunnies then you are on for a treat – these vintage candy holders are now a very popular collectable and I am so happy with my little collection so far!

This Bright and Sunny Centerpiece:
This was really easy to throw together. I simply lined a bowl (that I picked up at Target over the holidays) and filled it with bright purple hyacinths. I covered the soil with a little sheet moss – and tucked on just one simple vintage gurley candle.

This Little Heard:
These lambs and sheep were perfect for this vintage Easter home tour. While I adore the charm of bunnies this season, I also love the idea of showcasing lambs as well. During the Easter season especially, I am reminded of the verse John 1:29, “Behold! The lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” This year I wanted to really wanted to create a space that would remind me of this verse.

I did a little DIY on a few of these lambs (you can see that here) and I am so happy with the mix of old and new lambs here.

This Mantel:
Nothing too fancy here, but the large bunny here on our upstairs mantel was a quick and easy touch!

A Little Side Area:
This little cupboard is a project that I finished up right before the holidays so this is the first time I got to play around with it for Easter. I loved adding in my bunnies and old Easter post cards!

Wrap Up:
As the kids have gotten older and busier, I must admit that I don’t do ‘as much’ as I did when they were younger. As they grow, their schedules become yours (and for me that is times three) and spring seems to be the busiest season of all. But, no matter how hectic the days get, I will always work to create little ‘Easter Moments’ throughout the house – if not for them, then for me, because you know what, I love all decorating seasonally and I love making this house uniquely ours.

*this Vintage Easter Home Tour post has affiliate links.
This is all so beautiful, Emily. You have such a calm, peaceful home. ❤
Thank you so so much. What a kind thing to say!
Beautiful !! Every picture and room I love !!!
Beautiful every picture every room, I love !
Thank you so very much Robin!
Love all the details with the mix of old and new. And love the touches of flowers or fresh greens here and there! Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Oh Thank you so so much for this. I am so glad you enjoyed the views!