I love a good wish list and what better way to kick off the New Year than with a list of “vintage/antique wishes!” By that I mean, a list of things that I am wishing and hoping to find here in the new year! Last year I shared a similar blog post (you can see that post here) where I listed 7 things that I hoped to find while out hunting for vintage treasures in 2021. Can you believe that I found each and every one of those item on the list last year – (ok, maybe that isn’t so hard to believe – ha!) But honestly, I am so excited to get out there to do some real live pickin again this year!

By now you know that I do not discriminate. I will go where ever I can to shop and hunt for vintage items! I bet you do too! Give me (and you) a pile of junk and I am bound to pull out a goodie – or two! I love the hunt and the challenge that comes with a day full of pickin! And, this year, I have a few things that I really want to find!
What I Am Hunting
Duck Decoys
This past September, out in a random field, in the middle of a very hot day, I stumbled up on a man selling some really cool old duck decoys. I immediately thought of my daddy, who has many (I remember him building his collection of them when I was a young girl) and I decided to buy one. I only have one other really great duck decoy, that my father actually gave me a few years back. I would like to find at least one more – for a fair price – to add to my collection. You know I like to group my things in odd numbers – (preferably in groups of 3s or 5s).
Ironstone Cutting Boards
Inspired by a reproduction that I recently thrifted, on my list this year is a real, authentic ironstone cutting board. I have only seen them online though – never in real life – so this one may be a hard one to find. These ironstone cutting board are so beautiful and would be great for me – not to use for cooking, but to use for decorating. In my opinion they would be great for layering inside a cabinet!
Antique French Cheese Strainer
These stoneware beauties are so pretty to me. I have wanted one for a few years and 2022 is going to be the yer that I find one! They remind me of stoneware crocks – with holes! If you do not know what these are – then click here to check them out! You won’t be sorry!
Tiny Old Wooden Boxes
So I mentioned this back in the middle of 2021 in my IG stories, but I am really on the hunt for tiny little wooden boxes. I love to use these in my vignettes to raise up pieces. I am lucky enough to have a few (the tiniest one that i have is … long and … high), but I really am wanting a few more to work with. You probably know that I love to decorate shelves and I have many in my hone. There have been several times when I needed a tiny box to raise something up (a little shift can sometimes make a big difference) but I was already using the ones that I had. So, I need just a few more!
“New To Me” Vintage Christmas
So, this year I plan to seek out a ‘new to me’ vintage Christmas item – something that I didn’t know that I needed! This actually happened to me this year when I stumbled upon a beautiful collection of vintage (made in Japan) Santa salt and pepper shakers – you can see them here. I then was able to find a few more pairs over the month of November and before I knew it, I had an instant collection. I am excited to see if I can have a similar experience this Christmas in 2022.
Also This: Speaking of vintage Christmas, I would love to add a few more brick patterned putz houses, old glass diorama ornaments, and a stary eyes Santa mug!
An Interesting Antique Oil Painting
I am not sure exactly what I want the content to be, but I think that this year I want to add an interesting piece of art – or two. Also, I am pretty sure that I want it to be kinda small, but like most things, when I see it, I will know!
Antique Bread Board
You know the ones that I am talking about. I love the round little bread boards that I have and I want to add a few more to the collection. I use them in all sorts of ways (never to hold bread – HA) and I would love to have a few more to stack up!
Also This: I know that I already mentioned a cutting board above, but it should be no surprise (if you look through my feed over on Instagram – you can follow me here), that I love a good old wooden cutting board. I have a few and some I have gotten for a steal (my favorite one was only $2.00) and others I have had to pay up for. This year I want to challenge myself to find another really great cutting board – for a steal! I am not sure if I can do it, but I have 12 months to try!
I love transferware and this year I would love to add a few green pieces to my collection. I have lots of brown and red – but green, that is something I would like to add!
Pine Dining Table
So, I am on the fence about actually sharing this one because I love our current dining room table – I found the current one for $200.00 and I am really proud of that – Ha! But, for a while now, I have been dreaming about adding in an old pine table in the dining room and if I can find a good one for th right price then I very well may be making the transition! This one I may not find – but we will see!

What Are You Hunting In 2022
So, I want to know what YOU are hunting in 2022. I just recently took a poll in my IG stories a few days back! I actually asked the same question last year and it was so much fun to share you responses. So, I thought it would be fun to do it again this year. Below are just SOME of your replies!

Your Answers:
- Adirondack Pack Basket
- Ironstone
- Antique Gas Cans
- Antique Oil Cans
- Blow Molds
- Custard Glass
- Green Stoneware Bowls
- Orange Stoneware Bowls
- Santa Mugs
- Transferware: Brown, Green, Red
- Mini Salt Cellars
- Barn Quilt
- Antique Postcards
- #3 Crock
- Large Cupboard
- Pine Dining Table
- Old Apothecary Jar
- Whisk Brooms
- Advertising Pots
- Red Scale
- Butter Pats
- Crocks
- Large Primitive Pieces
- Ironstone Pieces: Pitchers, Tureens, Plates, Creamers, Sugar Bowls
- Antique Oil Pieces
- Vintage Doll House
- Old Typewriter
- Jadeite
- Red/Green Cookie Cutters
- Marble Top Chest
- Campfire Tin
- Blue Delphite
- Small Butter Molds
- Old Wooden Primitive Buckets
- Vintage Easter Items
- Wooden Tabletop Shelf – with drawers
- Old Dresser
- Tobacco Basket
- Vintage Clock Faces
- Unique Cheese Crocks
- Vintage Pottery
- Architectural Salvage
- Brass Chandelier
- Shiny Brights
- Milk Glass Cake Stand
- Colored Goblets
- Blue/White Spode
- Hoosier Cabinet
- Marshmallow Tin
- Brass Animals
- Hobnail Jadeite
- Putz Houses
- Wood Mashers
- Antique Wool Rugs
- Antique Winter Prints
- Flo Blue
- Sock Darners
- Paper Mache Boots
- Beveled Stained Glass Windows
- Patchwork Quilts
- Old Sifters
- Wicker Wrapped Bottles
- Silver Vessel Trophies
- Cobalt Blue Dishes
- Mini vintage Nativity Sets
- Brass Bells
- Lace
- Lady Head Vases
- Mantle Mirror
- Rolling Pins
- Match Striker
- Plaid Thermos
- Brass Candle Sticks
- Chocolate Molds
- Watering Cans
- Vintage Grain Sifters
- Candy Tin
- Figural Christmas Bulbs
- Antique Buttons
- Unique Flower Frog
- Tin Picnic Basket
- Firkins
- Old Scales
- Green Stripe Bowls
- Pine Dresser
- Gurley Candles
- Fishing Creel
- Vintage Art Supplies
- Vintage Stool
- Old Linens
- Mar Cabinet
- Doug Bowl
- Vintage Bird and Bunny Prints
- Card Catalog
- Vintage Recipe Box
- Vintage Nut Chopper
- McCoy Pottery
- Butter Molds
- Apothecary Cabinet
- Milk Glass Candy Dish with Lids
- Stoneware Ink Bottles
- Brass Apples
- Wooden Boxes
- Vintage Paint By Number Paintings
- Antique Mirrors
Unique Answers:
- Old Ceiling Tiles
- Midsize Pine/Oak Pie Safe
- Redwing Crock
- Ornate Ironwork Pieces
- Kugel Large Ornaments
- Vintage Bakers Rack
- Antique Stamp Presses
- Artists Tools and Boxes
- Uncle Sam Blow Mold – Ha
- Cut Glass Ink Well
- Stary Eyed Santa Mug
- Jockey Horse Memorabilia
- Red Bakelite Flatware
- Rouge Pots
- Bee Sting Crock
- Old Wooden BLUE painted bowl
- Old Country Fair Items
- Old 4-H Items
- Vintage Landscapes
- Antique Match Striker
- Christmas Pinecone Elves
- French Cast Iron Spittoon
- Small Sheep Picture
- Chippy White Bird House
- Old School Picture with 250 Tiny People
- Old Silver Swimming Trophy
- Green Harlequin Fiesta
- Vintage Puzzles
- Red Hanging Kitchen Scale
- Frozen Charlottes
- Vintage Watch
- Vintage Halloween Figurines
- Ziegler Peerless Marshmallow Tin
- Amateur Paintings of Cardinals
- Springer Spaniel Figurines
- Hog Scrapers
- Don Featherstone Haunted House Blow Mold
- Antique Plaid Books
- Affordable MCM Dresser
- Old Dog Sketches
- Chippy White Pie Safe
- Lotus Flower Frog
- Red Bakelite
- Rusted Wall Sconces
- Antique Broody Eggs
- Yellow & Turquoise McCoy Pottery
- Vintage Clothing
- Green & Red Antique Bibles
- Tabletop Furniture – bigger than dollhouse

Best Answer Ever:
A House In Florida – @thejunkmama_louisvilleky
Quick Reminder: As I recorded these answers I was reminded of how we are all searching for different things! I have to remind myself of that often. Not everyone likes or shops for the same things I am. Sometimes during my shopping excursions I have worried that I was “too late” to an estate sale or to a vintage market. I have thought to myself that “all the good things are gone already” …. when in fact that isn’t usually the case at all. There is ALWAYS more good stuff – we just have to look for it!

What Pops Will Be Hunting In 2022
I asked my dad what he wanted to ‘aquire’ this year and this is what he said! (If you are new here, my dad and I go picking together all the time. We have been doing that together since I was about 13 years old – when he would take me to thrift stores in Atlanta to go ‘pick’ as a teen. I would search for ‘cool clothes’ back then and small items for my bedroom.). His reply melted my heart:
” …any good old items you would especially like that you don’t already have lots of in your collections that I might gift you on your birthday, Christmas, or at other times in 2022.” (insert cry emoji)
” … as for me, I’d always be happy to find an old soda bottle, medicine bottle, advertising thermometer/small sign with a town name in NW Georgia or NW Alabama.”
Wrap Up
I am so very excited to see what discoveries we will all stumble upon here in 2022! I have a feeling that we will all find some really great things. The one thing I know for certain is that I will find a lot of great things …some of which I don’t even know that I want (need) yet! And, isn’t that the thrill of the hunt, right! That is the absolute best part for me. Now, remember, I have an antique booth and so I do not hold onto all of my finds! But, that is the fun part – to own something for a while and then twirl it right on out of your home for a new person to love! Cheers to 2022 you guys! Keep me posted on what all you find!

*this post contains affiliate links
Loved this post! I’m hunting for a Santa pitcher to go go with my vintage mug collection I have on the go ❤ I’m also looking for more putz houses, wooden bowls, and vintage halloween wax candles.
Happy Hunting!
I’m going to have to make a specific list. My neighbor and dad help me hunt, they both have more time than me! Ha. I would also love to hunt more, especially with them. Happy hunting!
Enjoyed reading this blog post ! I hope you find everything your looking for ..
Love all the answers you got. I am looking for a lot of the same items too, but I will be selling them.
Hi Emily,
I really loved this blog post! I have been collecting more things since I started following you! (My husband says: Thank you!!!)
Looking forward to seeing what you find this coming year! You also have the sweetest family, including your parents!
I enjoyed your informative post today. Can you please tell me how you store your off season decor. I also love gathering during the hunt, however, organizing when I get home is not my strong suite. Colleen
This is such a great post! So many items on the list are my jam. I copied/pasted into a document and deleted the ones I don’t collect so I can take the list with me to all our big fairs and shows we are planning to shop at this Spring/Summer. I always feel like I need a list so I stay focused but don’t always take one with me.
All the things I love were listed; need to sell a few of my current collections. To the special person that wanted a house in Florida….research the area, I live in the panhandle and have to drive to east coast or south for Junkin” 🤨🤨.
Always love your post and ideas❤️.